These allow players to gather clues as to their opponents` mystery word. Also, another beauty (or several, actually), are the Vanilla & Spice cards. So, when I received this as a Father`s Day prezzy, my immediate thought was 'looks good, who am I gonna play it with?' However, as soon as I perused the roolz, I realised it could be fun-fun-fun, even with the wife!! The beauty is that, even for `word-blinders`, you have the option of checking your word in the `dic` before you start. Me, I love `em, and crosswords, and codewords etc.
My wife, bless her cotton, isn`t a word -gamer.
Think you`re useless at word games? Not a `Scrabbler`? Well, try 'A Little Wordy', and you may be pleasantly surprised (not horribly surprised it`s not 'Exploding Kittens'!)